wpmobile theme Free v.s. Pro

FeaturesFreeProSupport plugin
Extremely lite header
Mobile, tablet and PC all have an extremely lite header.
On mobile, the menu has the option of hide or overlay.
PWA support
Support the PWA plugin created by PWA Plugin Contributors.
Added a more native feel mode of Standalone.
Pull to refresh on mobile
Landscape hero image
Retained hero as landscape image on mobile.
Included hero on front page, pages and posts.
Button pattern on mobile
Added buttons to pages to ease mobile operation.
These buttons will automatically hide on PC.
Tolerant to size search keyword
Search keyword Long x Width x Height and it will return the results of search
Long Width Height as keyword.
This will provide more results to users.
Richedit editor
If your web site uses AWS CDN, a Richedit issue is fixed and the Richedit editor
is enabled always.
Block decorations and styles
Heading H1, video, pagination, block gap, buttons, search, etc. are available.
Exclude posts from search result
This might be useful for product search, as products and product list
on pages might be what users need most.
One column product list on mobile
On mobile, two columns of products are changed to one column,
which significant improves user’s experience.
This takes effect on the pages of Shop, Product by Category, Product by Tag
and Product by Attribute.
Restyle for WooCommerce plugin
Improves user’s experience and site conversion ratio.
Browsers & embedded in apps compatible
It’s observed that 70% visitors are mobile users. This compatibility is very
important to your web site.
My account icon, Payment method icon and Sticky bottom menu
These buttons are from customized Image Blocks. Users may need to change
the images and URLs by themselves.
Cart icon
Different cart icon positions for PC and mobile. On PC, it is on the top right,
while on mobile, it is on the bottom menu.
Show the country of a comment’s author WooCommerce
Easy My account icon and Payment method icon, Sticky bottom menu
These are special blocks, which are easier to use and have a better style.
SVG image
Added mime type to WordPress, allowing SVG image to upload.
QR Code
Automatic or preset URL of QR Code pattern available, which can be used
anywhere. The scan to open URL can be set to your definite URL. If no preset
URL found, the current web page URL will be used.
The QR Code only shows on PC and will hide on mobile.
SVG image for WooCommerce REST api
Allow WooCommerce REST api to process SVG image.
Hide some categories on the left panel
Only some top categories are shown on the left panel. The number of
categories can be selected.
Show all tags under a category
WooCommerce only shows the first product tag under a selected category.
This function shows all tags of the product under the selected category.
Group tags under a category
Added grouping to tags. Tag group region can be expanded by a click.
Change size and unit by customer’s country
By using a short-code to format size, different sizes and units will be
displayed by customer’s country or visitor’s IP.
Documents, FAQs, Forum, Email
Premium support
Live chat, Online support
Compatible with the GPL
FeaturesFreeProSupport Plugin